If we look at cryptocurrencies and this great 
innovation that has become clear that it will 
change the world and the centers of money 
conglomeration, we will find that despite the 
ingenuity of the idea, 15 years after the 
launch of Bitcoin, only 1.8% of the world’s 
population are using it. So what is the flaw 
and why has it succeeded? Governments and 
global powers are trying to keep people away 
from the source that makes them flee from 
government control and the enslavement of 
people. According to studies, when the idea of 
decentralization and cryptocurrencies is 
presented impartially, 87% of the people to 
whom the idea was presented believed in it 
and became users of this idea, hoping to get 
rid of the control of banks and their printing 
of money without Sergeant, where is the flaw 
then, and why is the wonderful idea slow in 

On the other hand, if we look at the 
currently widespread satirical coins meme 
that is supposed to attract the public to 
our society and attract more innovative 
and honorable people who are trying to 
liberate people from the restrictions of 
banks and centralization, we will find that 
these currencies do not contain any 
means of attraction and do not support 
principles or ideas that change our 
society. It is trying to advance it, but it is 
only a collection of trivial symbols that 
negatively affect the cryptocurrency 
community as a whole. Therefore, we can 
say that meme currencies take from 
society and do not benefit it at all, but 
rather they also stand as an obstacle to its 

Also, the repercussions of the war in Gaza 
have opened our eyes to something 
greater than the control of the people by 
the banks and the American Federal 
Reserve, and even to your opinions. How 
these organizations have deluded us 
throughout the past period, and how they 
have convinced us to hate the rebellious 
Palestinian people and stand by criminals 
and support them. They also do not stop
Stealing from our money, and even 
moving us like puppets in their hands to 
applaud their opinions and goals, and we 
thought throughout the past that we had 
freedom and expression, but through 
their media channels and also social 
media platforms, we found that they 
controlled them and began to impose on 
us what we say, and they also impose on 
us the position and side that we will 
support, so what is this chaotic world that 
Even your opinion and thinking are now
determined by someone

Why decentralization?
Countries, governments, and the hidden 
powers that control the world and the 
Federal Bank, which rule the world 
through centralization, are trying to 
control the world through centralization, 
where each individual has a record or data 
that includes the details of his life, his 
data, and the money he owns, which 
makes governments generally in control 
of the activities that life requires. 
However, in the seventies of the last 
century A group of young activists 
succeeded in inventing encryption to 
protect ordinary people from being 
hacked by governments, and many 
attempts appeared to create the first 
encrypted digital currency after that,
but these young people did not know much 
about money and politics. Of course, they 
were experts in encryption, but this is not 
enough, which is what The malfunction of 
the launch of his encrypted work a lot.

But Satoshi had sufficient knowledge and 
knowledge and the art of choosing the 
appropriate time to launch his idea. After 
the collapse of Lehman Brothers, all 
feelings were extremely frustrating. 
Satoshi released his white paper 
consisting of 8 pages. Despite the ridicule 
that the idea was met with, when he 
launched the Bitcoin program, he gained 
the trust of many innovators around the 
world. It became widely popular, and a 
number of programmers, including Hal 
Finney, were interested in developing the 
project. In this way, Satoshi succeeded in 
combining complex technology with 
financial knowledge, so that they were
then able to conduct the first money 
exchange operation outside the control of 
governments and banks. Their program 
and operations became not in need of 
human intervention and were not 
controlled by anyone, and this is the slap 
in the face. The first for banks in the 
current era .

When Satoshi succeeded in making 
operating fees a currency itself, he thus 
succeeded in building the first global 
decentralized financial system
In the old system, you were exposed to 
the government. They knew all your 
financial transactions and privacy, but 
after Bitcoin, imagine that you can buy 
whatever you want or donate your money 
to any party you want without even 
disclosing your identity or asking about it. 
Now decentralization has succeeded and 
the people have succeeded, thanks to 
Satoshi, in the beginning of liberation from slavery.

Now no one can prevent you or force you 
to receive or send money. Let us take a 
look at their money. In the ancient world, 
you could buy by bartering with gold and 
with real money, but now governments 
give us a set of plastic cards and papers to 
take our belongings, our gold, and our 
homes. Let us go back to Britain in 2008 
when it was printed. The government 
gives a lot of money to save the banks 
from bankruptcy, and this is an open theft 
of people’s money around the world. They 
print money easily and take the most 
precious things we have. In fact, they steal 
our dreams.

The Slinga case and its principles:
In the following lines, we will present to 
you our vision for our project, which is 
more than just a digital currency
The war in Gaza showed us the extent of 
the control of hidden forces, and that the 
conspiracy theory is not just a fantasy, but 
has many proofs, and that they do not 
only control the money, as we saw. They 
froze the assets of the State of Russia in 
its war against Ukraine, but they also 
affect everything from the education that 
we receive and our way of life, and we 
also saw it. Some of their soldiers call for a 
new religion that consists of mixing all the 
divine religions and creating a new
religion in an attempt to erase all values 
and principles and to make the world 
more centralized in an attempt to 
strengthen their control over us. At the 
media level, freedom of opinion has 
become non-existent. In Western 
countries that claim freedom of 
expression, you do not You can attack the 
Jews or their state, and in Eastern 
countries like China you cannot object to 
the government’s actions, and likewise in 
Middle Eastern countries you cannot 
speak about religions without being 
arrested and perhaps killed. In an attempt 
from us to break all of these traditions, we 
will present to you this project to be 
mainly on two axes: media and financial. 
In the beginning, as we saw the resistance 
in Gaza fighting large armies and a 
coalition of all allies of the American 
Federalists, and although the forces were 
unequal, the resistance stood bravely and 
inspired us that we could defeat
the Federalists in the end. We took the idea of 
the inverted red triangle that crushes the 
cowardly enemies, and therefore in the 
following lines we will show you our goals. 
And our project and vision

Our goals:

As we mentioned, we are about to launch 
a more comprehensive project that is 
more than just a job. We are about to 
create a new global environment and 
order, and we can only achieve this with a 
strong media tool that is characterized by 
complete and absolute neutrality and 
does not fall under the control of anyone, 
but rather enjoys decentralization and 
also a global financial system, through 
several steps.

1- Creating a media platform by gathering 
a large number of journalists on servers 
owned by Slinga, as it provides the largest
area of freedom of expression, journalism, 
and publishing news, and everyone can 
publish news on it, but it does not fall 
under the authority of the central 
Internet, which achieves decentralization.

2 - All financial transactions on the 
platform are in Slinga currency, which also 
achieves a decentralized system

3- Implementing currency payment with 
strong partnerships and international 
companies to accept payment in our 
currency, as well as at the level of channel 
subscriptions, applications, games, 
commercial companies, and all products.

4- At the beginning of 2025, we will 
deposit a quantity of gold in exchange for 
the currency in proportion to the vision of 
the public and the currency community.
5 - Create and launch a decentralized 
network specific to the currency in order 
to complete the project’s vision
6 - Expanding the audience: Continuously 
increasing the number of followers and 
participants by providing attractive and 
exciting content through all marketing 
methods and also spreading the concept 
of encryption more widely.
7 - Project development: Constantly 
improving and developing the project by 
reviewing performance, analyzing 
feedback, and developing the project 
according to the community’s desire.

In conclusion

We want to reassure all honorable and stand
silent against the crimes committed 
by the global system and its attempt to 
control us and subjugate us, and that this 
project will be like a solid bloc against 
fraud, and through your support we will 
be freed from this enslavement.
free people in the world that we will not